4 Design Tips That Will Capture Your Client’s Eyes

Business cards falling down

Designing your first business card or brochure for your company can be daunting, because there’s so much to include, and trying to differentiate which information is relevant could be a losing battle for you and your business. Here are four handy tips that can change your company from being seen as amateur to professional.

  • Keep the information clear and concise.

The customer wants a quick and easy way to understand what you do, so only include the vital pieces of information: the name of yourself, your professional title, the company name & logo, contact number, email address and website link.

  • Don’t overdo the design features.

By abiding to two or three colours makes your company much more professional and well put together, as too many colours and a mixture of fonts can overwhelm your customer and weaken your appeal. Sometimes less is more.

  • Attach social media links when you can.

You may not have room on a business card, but a brochure certainly has room to spare for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter logos. Highlighting that your company is available on a variety of platforms is a key appeal to a wider audience.

  • Choose your materials carefully.

Types of materials on a business card, flyer of poster reflects upon your company’s desire to be professional and reliable. Consider different materials when you’re designing your products. If you’re unsure, you can refer to our blog post ‘Which Business Card Is Right For You?’ for some inspiration.

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